Factory OEM piston replacement with rings supplied.
Add Options for coating, De-Liped piston bowls, and valve reliefs. The de-lip is just to get rid of the sharp edge, we do not cut into the bowl very far as not to disrupt the swirl or re-entry.
Then Select your piston size!
*3 Stage coat includes top coat (ceramic) Dry Film Lubricant (side coat) and bottom oil shed.
*2 Stage coating includes the top ceramic and the DFL side coating (most popular)
*Single stage coat is just the ceramic top coat.
Please allow at LEAST 4-5 weeks for 3 stage coating and 3-4 weeks for the single and 2 stage coatings. Machine work takes around a week on top of that.
Custom piston orders are NON refundable.
Coating pistons is highly recommended if machine work is done!